Rotaract Club Kandaghat Solan

Sahil Gupta

Pawan Sharma

Lakhwinder Singh

Anirudh Shah
President Elect 2020-2021
Rotaract Club Govt. PG College Solan

Tejasvi Negi

Ashish Negi

Ashish Negi
What is Rotaract?
Rotaract clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. We are a non-religious, non-political and non-profit organisation which are involved in community and international service. They are open to people between the ages of 18 and 30 years old. Rotaract stands for "Rotary in Action" and are supported by Rotary International. Rotaract initially began as a Rotary youth programme in 1968 but has now become an independant group. Rotaract is an international organisation with over 7000 clubs worldwisde with over 173 000 members. Clubs plan and implement a variety of humanitarian and environmental projects locally or internationally based on the interest of members. Rotaract also aims to assist its members with networking, business and leadership to form well rounded individuals for the working world.
The Goals of Rotaract:
- To develop professional and leadership skills.
- To emphasise and respect the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual.
- To recognise the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve.
- To recognise, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities.
- To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide.
- To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community
and promote international understanding
and goodwill toward all people.
What the club aims to achieve:
Professional Development:
The club aims to expand the members understanding of the work environment and business opportunities in the community. Also, that undertaking volunteer work and how it is relevant to the work place such as communication, compromise and understanding of other parties.
Examples of activities which are provided by Rotaract and Rotary for professional development are:
- Business networking mixers where Rotaractors are able to meet professional in an informal setting and learn from their experience.
- Seminars on management and marketing.
- Leadership development courses such as RYLA.
- Guest speakers on a variety of topics such as finance and resume writing.
- Improving public speaking skills with seminars and opportunity to speak to other clubs.
Community Service:
The Rotaract motto is "Service above Self". Our main goals are to improve the world around us through service. Depending on the interests of the members, our community projects can be quite diverse. Such community based service projects may include:
- Educational projects such as tutoring programmes or mentoring.
- Supporting disadvantaged or disabled people.
- Addressing homelessness in the community.
- Environmental projects such as "Clean Up Australia Day" or restoring vegetation.
- Supporting existing charity groups.
International Service:
Like for community service Rotaract aims to also assist those in need on an international level. These projects may also be in conjunction with Rotary Clubs and usually are humanitarian based projects. International service projects may include:
- Providing assistance after a natural disaster.
- Addressing poverty in developing nations.
- Increasing literacy rates around the world.
- Ensuring all people have basic human rights.
- Environmental projects such as supporting a sustainable lifestyle.
Club/Social Service:
We also believe that for us to give to the community we must also be able to enjoy ourselves. Part of what the club aims to achieve is to ensure that lifelong friendships are established. Various social events are held throughout the year to promote a social environment for our members as well as inter-club events to ensure that strong ties are made between Rotaract clubs.